Longheh Health Supplements
If result is what you want

Many people are taking health supplements for long term. But when you ask them how has their body improved, they may shrug their shoulder. They just take it for peace of mind.

Longheh health supplements are formulated to give you the results you want, without any side effects. The founder Dr Lee, gives top priority on product safety and second priority on product effectiveness. There is no point in improving one aspect of your health while damaging the other.

With this objective in mind, Longheh products have been changing the life of countless people worldwide in the past 23 years. I'm sure you will benefit from it too.

The Four Health Treasures

Longheh Ganoderma
Longheh Ganoderma

Longheh Ganoderma

Do you know the secret to long term youth and health? This 2000-year-old fungus is known as the "Immortal Herb".

Being the most popular Longheh supplement, Ganoderma is prescribed as the base herb for various health problems.

If you haven't tried any Longheh supplement before, Ganoderma is a good herb to start with.

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Longheh Cordyceps Sinensis
Longheh Cordyceps

Longheh Cordyceps

Having sore back, urinary incontinence or bubbles in urine? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you may have weak kidney energy.

Cordyceps herb is long known as the "Guardian of Kidney". Not only strengthening your kidney, it also helps to improve respiratoy problem such as asthma.

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Longheh Lecithin
Longheh Lecithin

Longheh Lecithin

Having high cholesterol level or blood circulation blockage? Take Longheh Lecithin.

Lecithin is known as the "Blood Vessel Cleanser". It contains HDL good cholesterol to reduce LDL bad cholesterol.

There is one more thing Lecithin does best: Improving your memory.

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Longheh Tea
Longheh Tea

Longheh Tea

Prone to get constipation, bad breath or mouth ulcer? You may have high body 'heat'.

Longheh Tea contains Rhinacanthus nasutus and Gynostemma pentaphyllum herb to help reduce your body 'heat'.

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Bee Treasures

Longheh Propolis
Longheh Propolis

Longheh Propolis

Do you often get sore throat, flu or other infectious diseases? Your may be having a low immune system.

Now you can boost your immune system using what bee uses to protect their hive - Propolis. It is known as the best natural antibiotic.

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Longheh Royal Jelly
Longheh Royal Jelly

Longheh Royal Jelly

Having problems with unbalanced body hormones or bodily fluids?

Supplement your body with the nourishment taken by Queen bee - Royal Jelly.

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Bone Health

Longheh Bonecare
Longheh Bonecare

Longheh Bonecare

Experiencing bone pain, body pain or osteoporosis? Having unbearable menopause symptoms?

Find out how the special formula in Longheh Bonecare helps to improve your bone problem when other calcium supplements fail.

And find out how it improves menopause symptoms without the side effects of hormone pill.

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Longheh Puriyen
Longheh Puriyen

Longheh Puriyen

Do you have the pain like a piercing needle in your joints? That may be caused by your bone cartilage wear and tear.

Find out how Longheh Puriyen helps to rebuild your bone cartilage when other bone supplements seem to have no effect.

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Longheh Purical
Longheh Purical

Longheh Purical

Not having enough Calcium in your diet? Experiencing Calcium deficiency symptoms such as muscle cramp and tooth decay?

Find out how Longheh Purical efficiently supplement your body with the natural Calcium it needs.

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Intestine Care

Longheh Lactolus
Longheh Lactolus

Longheh Lactolus

Having constipation, chronic diarrhea or body fatigue? This may be the symptoms of your unhealthy intestine.

Take Longheh Lactolus to increase the beneficial bacteria in your intestine and maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

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Longheh High Fiber
Longheh High Fiber

Longheh High Fiber

Even if you pass motion everyday, you may still have some accumulated feces in your large intestine. Eventually, this may lead to auto-intoxication and other health problems.

Now, here is a natural way to gradually and thoroughly clean your intestine.

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Longheh Lierfen
Longheh Lierfen

Longheh Lierfen

Do you know that by enhancing your antioxidant level, you can prevent more than 100 types of disease including cancer?

Antioxidant is the current trend in fighting various disease and to slow down aging.

Longheh Lierfen is a special formula to significantly boost your body antioxidant.

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