Breast Cancer Health Talk
Part 1.2



Well, don't misunderstand doctor is interested in the smell of your vaginal discharge. When you tell me the color, I know your sickness.  When you tell me the smell, I can know what germ causes the infection.

What are the colors of vaginal discharge? 

Transparent, pink, yellow, yellowish green, milk-like, cheese-like, tofu-like, grey, brown, colorful and messy color. Each different vaginal discharge color signifies different sickness. Each different vaginal discharge smell signifies different virus or bacteria infection. 

By only telling me your discharge color and smell, I can prescribe the medicine for you. By color and smell, we can even judge whether your discharge is caused by cancer. 

The health talk on vaginal discharge is indeed very interesting.

Apart from this, women often ask me, "Dr Lee, just with our breast there are 3 types of growth: ductal hyperplasia, fibrocystic and breast cancer." 

Besides, women also ask, "Dr Lee, why our uterus has fibroids."

When someone tells me she has fibroid, I will first ask her, "How big is your fibroid?" Many women would glance at me and reply, "How big? I have 6 fibroids. Which one you refer to?" 

Why woman's uterus has 1, 5, 10 and even 20 fibroids? Why some fibroid is as big as a football or basketball? What are the symptoms of fibroid? How does it form? Is surgery needed? Should we take out the uterus or ovary?

As a modern woman, you simply cannot ignore it.

Besides this, a woman with fibroid has pregnancy difficulty. Even with pregnancy, miscarriage often happens. If she has successful pregnancy by luck, Cesarean section is needed. 

"Dr Lee, while having Cesarean section, should we take out the fibroid too? Dr Lee, why doctor said my fibroid cannot be taken out through surgery? Doctor can only remove the whole uterus." 

What is the reason? As a modern woman, you cannot ignore it.
Nowadays, the number of women with uterine fibroid is too high, too high. 

Besides this, some women would ask me, "Dr Lee, why being a woman is so troublesome. We have fibroid and also endometriosis." 

Endometrium should grow along uterus wall. But if it grows on fallopian tube, this leads to ectopic pregnancy. It also caused fallopian tube blockage and pregnancy difficulty. 

When endometrium grows inside ovary, it leads to ovarian chocolate cyst. And when it grows inside the bladder, blood will flow out with urine during menstruation. In the colon, blood will come out with feces during menstruation.

In the abdomen, menstruation will cause severe abdomen pain. Some patient couldn't work during menstruation due to the pain. Besides, some of my patients have this symptom during the last 2 days of their period. When they coughed, some blood came out. Actually, the blood was the menses from the lung. 

Video 1 subtitle:

(Video 2 is pending)