Smooth White Moisturizing Mask


Smooth White Moisturizing Mask

'Smooth White Moisturizing Mask' contains Hyaluronic acid and NaPCA to:

  • replenish and lock up moisture in your skin
  • enhance defensive and repairing function of your skin
  • provide lasting moisturizing and softening effect

The natural Plant acid may remove dead cell, lighten melanin, improve dull complexion, and make your skin soft, fine and radiant.

Water, Hyaluronic acid, Keratolin, Witch-hazel, Licorice extract, NaPCA, Plant acid, Propylene glycol, Methylparaben, Rose essential oil, Orange essential oil and Phytoncide essential oil.

After using Revitalizer or Radiant White Essence, apply a mask on your face for 20 to 30 minutes. No need rinse off. You will have better results if you use anti-wrinkle cream afterwards.

5 sheets of Mask